Under the name Renmeleon, illustrator, author, and designer Ana Maria Selvaggio has been a working creative since 1986. Living a very eclectic, digitally-analog life, Selvaggio has a passion for writing and has worked in and around the publishing industry since the mid 90s as a book designer and editor. Selvaggio's goal is to create a sustainable, mobile life for her family while teaching others how to work successfully and independently utilizing current technologies.
Selvaggio holds a Masters in Creative Writing, specializing in screenwriting for gaming, film, animation, and television, as well as a graduate certificate in Instructional Design & Technology from Full Sail University.
When she isn't drawing or writing, Selvaggio's joys include reading, live streaming, and creating worlds from the ground up for her novels. Book trailers and designing associated promotional products are all part of her love of the process. Renmeleon being a “Renaissance Chameleon,” is a true jack-of-all-trades as a surface pattern and paper goods designer, zine maker, and publisher. She calls herself an "Instigational Motivator" and loves to play muse, making herself and her many skill sets available as a consultant on various projects.
Selvaggio founded and ran global art collaboratives as well as several creative writing groups out of her home for more than 20 years. Selvaggio and her husband both teach online and she is always looking for new workshop venues online and off. She currently lives with her husband and daughter in Berea, KY. All three are writers.
Renmeleon's work is available for licensing. She is also open to commissions.
Over the years, Selvaggio has been blessed to have been given the opportunity to share someone's platform. These are some of the appearances she has made on other podcasts, radio shows, and news media. Listed from newest to oldest:
Star Chamber, 0908/2022
Richmond Register, 0402/2022
FEATURED (front page): "Local artist creates 'Doves for Peace' event to assist Ukraine"
FEATURED (front page): "Local artist creates 'Doves for Peace' event to assist Ukraine"
Saturday, January 29th, 2022 at 12pm EST
Nerd Culture "And I Quote" podcast LIVE
Facebook and on YouTube
Podcast - Clever Title Pending with Brian K, Morris, April 27th, 2021
Rising Tide Publications
Star Chamber, 0304/2021
Author, Mary Ann Poll's Real Ghost Chatter podcast,
Star Chamber, 0702/2020
Richmond Register, 1102/2019
MADSOCIAL: "Selvaggio shares her talents with others"
Star Chamber, 0718/2019
Nerd Culture "And I Quote" podcast LIVE
Facebook and on YouTube
Podcast - Clever Title Pending with Brian K, Morris, April 27th, 2021
Rising Tide Publications
Star Chamber, 0304/2021
Author, Mary Ann Poll's Real Ghost Chatter podcast,
Star Chamber, 0702/2020
Richmond Register, 1102/2019
MADSOCIAL: "Selvaggio shares her talents with others"
Star Chamber, 0718/2019